Alastair Fuad-Luke

Facilitator, educator, researcher, 
writer and activist

will join us to present:

Confronting the Capitalocene: Post-normal, regenerative, relational design(-ing)

Alastair Fuad-Luke is exploring and challenging how design is applied to societal, ecological, economic, political and educational issues. He is currently curator of the Porto Design Biennale 2021, 02 June to 25 July, in the cities of Porto and Matosinhos, Portugal. From 2016 to early March 2021 he was Full Professor of Design Research at the Free University of Bozen-Bolzano, South Tyrol, Italy and from 2011-2014 was Professor of Emerging Design Practices at Aalto ARTS, Aalto University, Helsinki, Finland where, during the World Design Capital 2012, he worked with Lahti Regional Development to develop a ‘co-design eco-system’ for the city. He contributed to several European Union projects, including Eco-innovera – Support Systems for Sustainable Entrepreneurship and Transformation (SHIFT), 2012-2016; and Leonardo Da Vinci – Design Education and Sustainability (DEEDS), 2006-2008. Present consultancy projects include reviewer for 4Cs, From Conflict to Conviviality through Creativity and Culture. He collaborates with diverse communities; his latest project is muu-baa a network for “agri-cultural” explorations. His books include Field Explorations (forthcoming 2021), Agents of Alternatives (2015), Design Activism (2009) and The Eco-Design Handbook (2002, 2005 and 2009).

REDES 2022

Gjoko Muratovski

Award-winning designer 
and innovation consultant

will join us to present:

The Changing Landscape of Design

Working with a wide range of universities, Fortune 500 companies, NGO’s, and various governments from around the world. Throughout his career he has held numerous leadership and high-profile appointments at various academic and professional institutions. He also served as a member of many thought-leading organizations such as the Forbes Councils, Stanford Institute for Innovation in Developing Economies, Oxford Digital Leaders Network, and the Yale Higher Education Leadership Summit. By combining design thinking, social sciences, and cultural theory with lean business principles and evidence-based research, he helps organizations become human-centric, more efficient, and future-proofed. He holds a PhD in Design Research and is a Fellow of the Design Research Society.

REDES 2022

Robin Adams

Recipient of a National Science Foundation 
CAREER award, teaching and leadership 
awards, and best paper awards

will join us to present:

Connecting Design Knowing

Dr. Adams is a recipient of a National Science Foundation CAREER award, teaching and leadership awards, best paper awards (including Design Studies and Journal of Engineering Education), and engages broadly in multiple communities. She seeks to empirically develop “languages for learning” in areas central to engineering practice – cross-disciplinarity and design. She designed and hosted the 10th Design Thinking Research Symposium where researchers from around the globe and different disciplines conducted studies using a shared dataset of design review conversations in different design domains (mechanical engineering, service learning, choreography, product design, and entrepreneurship).  Studies ranged from understanding design practices and design teaching to the ways instructors support students in becoming professionals. This resulted in an edited book, Analyzing Design Review Conversations, and special issues of Design Studies and Co-Design. Dr. Adams is also a leader in building capacity in engineering education. She led the Institute for Scholarship on Engineering Education as part of the Center for the Advancement of Engineering Education, played a leadership role in developing the first U.S. PhD program in engineering education at Purdue University, and was an invited participant to the National Academy of Engineering Frontiers of Engineering Education symposium series. Currently, Dr. Adams is a Professor in the School of Engineering Education at Purdue University, and teaches graduate level courses on design cognition and learning, undergraduate courses in interdisciplinary design, and participates in an innovation, leadership, and transformation program. She received degrees in education (PhD), materials science and engineering (MS), and mechanical engineering (BS), and worked as a senior designer in industry.

REDES 2022